Festival News
Top Stories:
Hollywood Reporter covers LIFF winners (read more)
Hollywood Reporter on LIFF preparations
(read more)
Screen International looks at LIFF (read more)
LIFF Press Release about festival (read more)
Screen International reports on the winners of LIFF (read more)
Variety reports on LIFF's grand prize to filmmakers Jan
Dunn and Elaine Wickam. The two Kentish filmmakers have used the prize
money to finance a new film...
(read more)
British Film Magazine reports on LIFF and the levels of support and
interest for UK Indepdent film...
(read more)
Actor Bob Hoskins and Film London Awarded Champions of Independent
Cinema at LIFF for supporting independent filmmaking...
(read more)
Future Movies reports that LIFF winner Kill Kill Faster Faster gets
world-wide distribution deal...
(read more)
Festival 2013
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